More about what I have to offer…

“With 20+ years of experience in technology as an instructor and guide, I have supported countless businesses and individuals with their technological needs. My experience as a college level teacher has helped me refine my ability to communicate with people of all ages and skill levels. My work as a nationally-known Photoshop artist and designer has shown me the value of bringing creativity to all problems. I am also a dad, and have recently been helping my own child transition to remote learning.”

— Jeff McCord


Finding connections to one-another through the use of technologies like Skype or Zoom has never been more essential than it is today.

My goal is to identify which platform is the best fit for your situation and guide you or your loved ones through the setup process. I will be providing safe & thoughtful online lessons, stepping you through the basic features by screensharing so you can learn to use the platform with ease and comfort.


We are spending a lot more time at home lately, but our dependance on our technology is even more essential for staying connected and responsive to family and work.

I offer virtual troubleshooting and guidance through many common problems you may have, including health checkups for your Mac or PC, email challenges, device troubleshooting, and other issues that you may be experiencing with your computers at home.


Some small businesses within our community have faced significant challenges in having to rapidly transition their practice to a virtual platform.

Over the years of helping businesses of all sizes, I have identified many useful tools and communications services. I will help you explore the best options for your specific client-facing goals, guiding you though the setup process.


I believe deeply in the importance of supporting our local community. It is important to me that we help each other.

In response to the current financial challenges that we are all experiencing, I am offering reduced fee and/or donated support for retirees and those on limited incomes who still need to be able to connect with friends & family. Please contact me below if you know someone who may need help.

Helping your children with remote education

Many children and young adults are challenged by the requirements of the online learning process. In response to their needs, I will guide and support your children in setting up and using the platforms that are required. Because I often use the platforms themselves, your kids will get direct, hands-on experience going through the tools so that they can later fully participate in their school’s individual and group activities.


I will coordinate with the student to identify the tools or platforms that their school uses for online learning, helping them learn the steps for academic success!


Many of us become challenged by the ongoing process once we get started. I will patiently work through any sticking points until the student achieves a new comfort level.

Helping parents or grandparents to get connected

People are at many different levels of comfort using computers and technology. Whether I am helping you, a parent, or a grandparent, I am patient and experienced at helping anyone at different levels of computer skill. I am able to work with people who have true technology fears, helping them to use these important communications tools with newfound familiarity and ease.


Identify which platform is better and provide safe & thoughtful online lessons using screensharing.


In the safety and comfort of your own home, I can provide remote guidance and technical support.


I can help identify any video challenges, such as missing or non-functional webcam or microphone issues, and help you set up what you need.


I am available you with follow-up sessions or refreshers on using your new skills! Not only can I help with your primary goals, but any other tech needs you may have.

Helping small businesses with their virtual office

I will help you explore the best options for your specific client-facing goals and guide you though the setup process. I provide help with video communications tools, payment platforms, and any other communication needs that may arise. Whether it is for internal business communications or finding new ways to connect with your clients when you can’t meet face-to-face, I’ve got you covered!


Many businesses choose to interact with their clients using Skype, Zoom, or other platforms. My goal is to set up the system that is right for your business and provide the training you need.


Often when you rely on your technology the most, problems and ‘deferred maintenance’ can become evident. I am able to help you help yourself to correct any issues that you may encounter.


When we are transitioning to more online interactions, some speed increases or equipment upgrades may be needed for flawless communications with your clients.


You will be fully supported in your efforts to establish a successful virtual office. Beyond that, call on me for anything challenging you in your technology world.

Technological support options for home & work

We rely on our technologies more than ever to respond to the requirments of our virtual world. By seeking guidance and support, you can become more empowered with skills and knowledge that will not only help you with your current communications and technical needs, but also help prepare you for the complexities of potential shifts in the way we all live and work.


You identify the need, and I can help you with solutions, ideas, and personalized training on an ongoing basis. Call on me for anything you may be challenged with in your technology world.


There can be many reasons for seeking technical support. I can help you problem-solve whatever issues you may be experiencing with your computer, software, or peripherals.


I can provide direct, personalized training on a variety of software platforms, including the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Microsoft Office, Skype, Zoom, CRM software, and other cloud platforms.


I love techology. I enjoy discovering the very best equipment for each technological area (laptops, cameras, tablets, printers, etc.). As a result, I can expertly guide you through your next technology purchases and upgrades.

Contact Me

Please let me know how my services can be of support to you. You may also call or text me directly at: 206-651-4357